Sunlight Readable Monitor
Cincoze Sunlight Readable Monitor has projected capacitive touch screen. It offers resolution up to 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) and high brightness up to 1800 nits. It supports flat surface and IP65 dust / waterproof front panel. CS-100/M1000 Series is a rugged and reliable solution with aluminum die-casting front frame dedicating to outdoor industrial applications.
Sunlight Readable Monitor (CS-100/M1000 Series)
CS-100/M1000 Series is the Sunlight Readable monitor with projected capacitive touch screen. It offers resolution up to 1920 x 1080 (Full HD) and high brightness up to 1800 nits. It supports flat surface and IP65 dust / waterproof front panel. CS-100/M1000 Series is a rugged and reliable solution with aluminum die-casting front frame dedicating to outdoor industrial applications.